What Happens When Your Pet is Lost or if You've Found an Animal
1. The first call is to bylaw who will try to find the owner of the pet by posting on their website. They hold and care for that animal for 72 hours and if it's not claimed, they bring it to us.
2. Our technicians microchip if it's not already microchipped and every animal that comes in to the shelter is vaccinated so as not to spread or contract any disease in the shelter.
3. The animal is kept in our isolation unit until a vet has examined it to ensure there are no outstanding health issues that need to be addressed.
4. The animal is then scheduled for a spay/neuter if it's intact.
5. We place the animal up for adoption on our site, Facebook and Instagram pages.
6. If the animal is found to be owned by someone who has not previously claimed it, with proof we will return the animal to the owner after review of services and costs we've incurred which are the responsibility of the owner.
7. If there is no claimant for the animal, we proceed with the adoption process according to our policies and procedures.

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