What are your hours of operation?
We are open Tuesday through Saturday.
Tuesday - Friday 12 - 4
Saturday - 11 - 4
Can I come to the shelter and visit the animals to see which one I want to adopt?
Yes, of course! The staff can tell you about them and help determine who would be the best fit.
How do I learn what animal would fit with my lifestyle?
Animal bios on Facebook, Instagram, and our website contain valuable information. We also have a photo adoption board in the Shelter foyer.
Please read all of the animal bios information carefully. For example, if the bio says “high energy” and “needs exercise” but you live in a condo, work 10hrs/day and are not active, it is unlikely this would be a good match. Our goal is to give the animal a good quality of life and to match your lifestyle to the animal's temperament and needs.
How do I learn what animals are available?
Animals available for adoption are posted on our website, Facebook page, and Instagram after they have been screened by a veterinarian for any health concerns.
If you are interested in an animal, you can come by and do an adoption questionnaire with staff.
How do the adoptions work?
If you are interested in an animal, come by the shelter to do a questionnaire with staff. Once that is done, we take you back to meet the animals. If there is a particular animal you have in mind, let us know and we can bring them out to meet you.
If you are interested in a dog but are unsure how they would be with your resident dog, you can bring your dog by and we can do an intro. If it goes well, we can go on a tandem walk to ensure they would be a good fit. If you have a cat at home, staff can let you know how they think the animal would do with the cat.
After the questionnaire is completed, we will keep it on file for a year. You can keep an eye on our website and Facebook page to see our available animals and drop by to meet any you are interested in.
What is fostering vs. adoption?
Sometimes we have kitty and puppy litters and/or mature animals who do better in a home setting for a short duration. If you want to care for dogs or cats for a period of time without the commitment of adoption, this is a good program to explore. There is a foster application on our website.
How does adoption work?
You complete the adoption questionnaire with staff and can go visit the animal you would like to adopt. The Shelter staff will discuss your application with you, and if the animal is a good fit for you, you complete the paperwork for the adoption, pay the adoption fees, fill out the microchip registration, collect health records and confirm the spay/ neuter appointment date if not already spayed/neutered. We will provide you with transition food for the animal and anything else you may need to help them transition.
You are now a new pet owner! If at any time you need advice or support, we are always available to help
What if my adoption simply doesn't work out?
After you have adopted your new pet, there is a 30 day "soft adoption" period where you can bring them back and receive a refund. We understand that sometimes things just don't work out and will discuss with you possible solutions prior to bringing the animal back.
Why can’t I know all about the animal’s history and reason for surrendering to the Shelter?
We will not disclose the personal information of people who have adopted from us or surrendered to us.
People give up their beloved pets for various reasons and it can be a heartbreaking and traumatic experience. We take confidentiality very seriously and pledge to keep the information of the people who turn over their pets private.
What are some of the rules around adopting an animal?
Within city limits, if you already have either two cats or two dogs, check with Bylaw Animal Services about a permit.
If you are renting, check with your landlord to confirm that pets are allowed in your agreement.
Our adoption fees are applied on a sliding scale based on the animal’s age and include vaccination, microchip and spay/neuter vet purchase order if not already spayed or neutered. Also included is the assurance that the animal you are adopting has been seen by a vet and had any necessary health concerns attended to with medication or surgery.
You may need to have some follow-up at the shelter for follow through with spay/neuter appointments.
If I find a lost cat or dog, can I bring it to the shelter?
If you find a lost animal within city limits, your first call is to Bylaw Services at (867) 668-8317. These animals are held for a 72-hour period and posted on the Bylaw Services website with a photo on the Bylaw Services website. If your animal is posted, contact them at the number above to arrange retrieval.
If it is a community animal outside of Whitehorse, call YG Animal Control Officer Jay Lester at (867) 667-3597
If the animal you have surrendered to either of these authorities is not claimed by the owner within 72 hours, the animal will be turned over to the Shelter and we will proceed with placing it up for adoption.
If I have lost my animal, will you help me find it on your social media and what are other resources to find my pet?
Facebook pages and groups are very effective in finding lost animals as they circulate widely. Some of the most common ones are Whitehorse Yukon Lost & Found Pets, Yukon Helpers Network, and your local community/neighbourhood pages/groups. We can also post on our page if requested.
All owners are encouraged to have their pet licensed with the city, have their pet microchipped and wear a collar and ID tag. ID tags and licensing are done with the Bylaw at the city animal shelter.
Emergency Assistance
My pet has suffered a medical emergency and I do not have the funds to pay the vet bill, can you help?
Unfortunately, at this time Humane Society Yukon does not have the funding to aid already owned animals. We understand the financial stress a veterinary emergency can put on a family and we wish we could help everyone; however, Humane Society Yukon has to prioritize our very limited budget for the animals under our care.
I have had an emergency come up and need a safe place to temporarily house my pet, what can I do?
If you have reached out to your support network of family and friends and are unable to find assistance caring for your cat or dog, we has an Emergency Boarding program. This is strictly limited to providing compassionate relief to pet owners in unavoidable and unexpected circumstances, such as natural disaster, temporary hospitalization of the pet owner. The program is not in place for travel or rental difficulties. Emergency boarding is limited to a two-week stay and requires pre-approval from the Executive Director.