Notification of 2023 Annual General Meeting
Please join us for our 2023 Annual General Meeting, where we will inform our membership of all the hard work done by our staff, board and volunteers; review our financial statements; and elect a board that will take us into 2023-24.
When: Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 6:30 pm
Venue: Golden Age Society Greenroom, 4061A - 4th Avenue, Whitehorse. Please note, if you are coming in person, send RSVP to for capacity numbers.
You may also join by Zoom: Click here for the link.
Please note: You must be a member in good standing to attend the AGM. Should you wish to renew your membership, the link below will give you directions for membership renewals. Click here to renew your membership.
We are currently looking for people to join our board of directors. Open positions are for President, Vice-President, and Secretary, as well as general members. For more information, please see our posting on Yuwin.
Please email our Secretary at or our President at with any questions.

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